@thesis{thesis, author={Maulana Regi Ikhsan}, title ={IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PENYELANGGARAAN UPAYA PENANGGULANGAN HIV AIDS DI KOTA SUKABUMI}, year={2020}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/1557/}, abstract={The research was aimed at finding out how the implementation of HIV and AIDS rehabilitation efforts policy in Sukabumi city. The cumulative amount of HIV and AIDS sufferers was a problem requiring solution on order to decrease the amount of new HIV and AIDS virus. The phenomena that were triggered the problem were too idealist policy dimension, lack of fund in implementing the program, discrimination to the sufferers, non-optimal HIV screening, the presence of entertainment places, and the absence of HIV rehabilitation external program. The research applied qualitative method with purposive sampling technique in determining informants; triangulation technique was utilized as well. The theory applied was theory of implementation from Van Meter and Van Horn. Such theory consisted of 6 dimensions: 1) Policy dimension and objective, 2) Resources, 3) Implementer Character, 4) Inter-organization communication, 5) Implementers Attitude, 6) Politic, Social and Economic Factors. The result of the research conveys that the implementation of HIV and AIDS rehabilitation policy has not been implemented well due to the presence of the new HIV and AIDS virus; the number of death caused by HIV and AIDS; and, the presence of discrimination towards HIV/AIDS sufferers. All these findings are some of the policy goals.} }