@thesis{thesis, author={Selviana Dewi Rania Melani}, title ={MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN MENULIS KARANGAN NARASI MENGGUNAKAN MEDIA FILM ANIAMASI DI KELAS TINGGI}, year={2020}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/1583/}, abstract={Research through animated film aims to improve students' narrative skills in high school grades. Type of research used is classroom action research (CAR). The number of students examined in this study was 36 people consisting of 17 male and 19 female. Data collection tools using tests and observation sheets. The results showed the First cycle value of 36 students only 15 or equal to (42%) had reached the KKM, and 21 students or by (58%) who had not yet reached the KKM with an average value of 57, the results of the acquisition met the criteria both mannerly in Elementary School 1 Tonjong in the first cycle reached 85% (very good) and in the second cycle increased by 9% to 94% (very good) this study concluded that using animated film media can improve the narrative essay writing skills in class IV at SD Negeri Tonjong 1 Sukabumi City 2018/2019 Academic Year} }