@thesis{thesis, author={Pratama Yan Ferdiansyah}, title ={EVALUASI KINERJA SISTEM SALURAN IRIGASI CIKAHURIPAN KECAMATAN NAGRAK KABUPATEN SUKABUMI}, year={2020}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/1673/}, abstract={The rapid development of population and industry in Sukabumi Regency has disrupted the availability and utilization of water. Water availability has decreased as a result of changes or interruption in catchments and on the other hand water demand is increasing. Due to the increase in soil erosion, the mud content in river water also increases and causes siltation in both irrigation and river systems. In Sukabumi Regency water is needed by all groups, both for the surrounding community, industry and non-industry. Water availability is closely related to natural resource components depending on climate, geology, morphology and land use factors. To find out the condition and function of irrigation channels, it is carried out by evaluating the irrigation channel Cikahuripan using the Irrigation System Performance Index and regulation of the Minister of PUPR No. 12 of 2015. Operation and maintenance of irrigation channels is an activity that must be carried out properly so that irrigation services can be carried out effectively and efficiently. In a research evaluation of the performance of the Cikahuripan irrigation canal system, there is a physical condition of the channel of 20% with a percentage weight of Good (B) 26%, Light Damage (LD) 48%, Moderately Damaged (MD) 10% and Severely Damaged (SD) 16%. The secondary channel has quite high sedimentation and the lining along the channel is severely damaged. The final result of the performance value of the channel and infection path has a weight value of a maximum value of 74.05% with good channel condition.} }