@thesis{thesis, author={Fauziah Ulfah Rahmah}, title ={PENGARUH PENERAPAN PRINSIP-PRINSIP GOOD GOVERNANCE TERHADAP KUALITAS PELAYANAN PENGUJIAN KENDARAAN BERMOTOR (PKB) PADA DINAS PERHUBUNGAN KOTA SUKABUMI}, year={2018}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/424/}, abstract={Researchers conducted research on the Department of Transportation Sukabumi City, with research titles namely; the influence of the application of good governance principles to the quality of vehicle testing service (PKB) at the Department of Transportation of sukabumi City. The purpose of this study is to prove how much influence the application of the principles of good governance to the quality of service testing vehicle (PKB). Based on preliminary observations, the researcher found an indication of the problems that existed at the Transportation Department of Sukabumi City, this can be seen from the problem; Responsiveness (Tanggap), Tangible (Tangible), Emphaty (Empathy). The theory used in this research from the application of the principles of good governance proposed by Sedarmayanti, as for its dimensions are; Accountability (accountability), Transparency (Openness), Participation (involving the community, especially aspirations), Supremacy of law of bureaucracy apparatus. As for the theory of service quality using the theory proposed by Brown in Hardiyansyah namely; Reliability, Empathy, Responsiveness, Tangible. Researchers feel from both the above theory is enough to be used as a dimension and used as a reference for instrument indicators. The research method used in this research is survey research with quantitative approach of explanation level is associative research. The sample used is incidental sampling of the sample by chance. The number of samples given the questionnaire consisted of 99 customers and 2 (two) employees interviewed. Based on the results of research and discussion it is found that the application of the principles of good governance to the quality of service testing of motor vehicles (PKB) at the Department of Transportation of sukabumi City, has a significant influence, in line with the results of quantitative analysis obtained a strong relationship (0.74) and coefficients determination of 55.3%. From the results of this study, based on the conclusion of the lowest score suggested that the employees at the Department of Transportation Sukabumi City to provide services in accordance with operational standards of existing procedures and reliable in all the work undertaken, and for the Department of Transportation Sukabumi City should improve facilities and infrastructure to provide a sense of comfort to customers.} }