@thesis{thesis, author={Rohmah Siti}, title ={AKUNTABILITAS DAN TRANSPARANSI PENGELOLAAN ZAKAT (STUDI KASUS PADA BADAN AMIL ZAKAT NASIONAL KABUPATEN SUKABUMI)}, year={2018}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/519/}, abstract={This study aims to determine whether the BAZNAS of Sukabumi Regency has been accountable and transparent in the management of zakat. Furthermore, from both components will be known how the potential of zakat in BAZNAS Sukabumi. and how much realization is received. Thus it can be known the cause of the unfulfilled zakat funds that should be accepted. This research uses qualitative method, with primary data analysis technique that is in the form of observation and interview directly. From the results of research conducted. it is known that accountability and transparency in BAZNAS of Sukabumi Regency is good. But to be able to realize accountability and transparency BAZNAS Sukabumi regency needs to improve supervision system. In the future it is expected that these efforts can capture interest and foster muzakki trust in paying zakat to BAZNAS.} }