@thesis{thesis, author={Suryawirawati Ismi Ghina}, title ={REMEDIASI MISKONSEPSI SISWA SMP PADA KONSEP PEMANASAN GLOBAL MENGGUNAKAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PREDICT-OBSERVE-EXPLAIN (POE)}, year={2018}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/536/}, abstract={The problem in this study is that students have difficulties in understanding the concept, especially on the concept of global warming because it is one of the hard material and there are some concepts that are considered abstract by the students, so it can cause different perception by the students and can cause misconception. Misconceptions are errors in interpreting or understanding concepts that are inconsistent with those advanced by experts. Misconceptions if left will hinder students in achieving successful learning. This study aims to identify students' misconceptions using a two-tier test on learning predict-observe-explain (POE) models, then to analyze the decrease in student misconception. This research was conducted in SMPN 5 Sukabumi. This research is a descriptive research with onegroup-pretest-posttest design research design. The sample used is taken from the population by purposive sampling technique, namely class VII A with the number of samples of 41 people. Data collection techniques were performed with a two-tier test (diagnostic) which was a multiple choice question with two stages of selection of an answer, and an observation sheet. The question instrument consists of 10 questions each with 3 answer choices and 4 choice of reasons. The results show that there are misconceptions at the time of pretest. The decrease in student misconception on learning POE model is an average of 66% and each concept is 65.45%. The result of this research can be concluded that the learning of POE can be used as an alternative to learning to reduce misconception can be seen from the students score between before learning (pretest) and after posttest learning which shows the decrease of misconception.} }