@thesis{thesis, author={Pirmansah Pirmansah}, title ={PENGARUH MODAL USAHA TERHADAP LABA (Studi kasus pada Koperasi Karyawan Sarandi Periode 2015-2017)}, year={2018}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/558/}, abstract={Pirmansah (1430611030) Muhammadiyah University Of Sukabumi. The influence of capital to profit and on Cooperative Employees Sarandi. (Adviser. Hj Eris Darsawati. M.M and Dr. H. Darmo H. Suwiryo, S.E, M.Pd., M.M). This study aims to determine (1) Influence capital attempt to profit and, (2) The influence of capital to profit and on Cooperative Employees Sarandi. Variable used in this study is capital effort (X), and profit and (Y). Samples used in this study is financial the data month on Cooperative Employees Sarandi from the 2015-2017. The study using the quantitative and collecting data used the data secondary with nominal scale. The data analysis used in this study is analysis of regresing doubled tested with test t and test F. Test results in partial showed that the capital effort influential on profits on Cooperative Employees Sarandi.} }