@thesis{thesis, author={Pahrudin Pahrudin}, title ={PENGARUH PAJAK PARKIR DAN PAJAK REKLAME TERHADAP PENDAPATAN ASLI DAERAH (Studi Kasus pada Pajak Parkir dan Pajak Reklame di Kota Sukabumi)}, year={2018}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/559/}, abstract={Pahrudin (1430611079) University of Muhammadiyah Sukabumi. The influence?s of parking tax and advertisement tax on the local government revenue (PAD), in the goverment of Sukabumi city with my adviser is Mr. Deni Iskandar Z, M.AK., M.M., and Mrs. Venita Sofiana, SE., M.Si., The purpose of the research is to determain the contribution amount of parking tax and advertisement tax on local government revenue. The independent variable applied in the research is parking tax and advertisement tax while The dependent variable applied in the research is the local government revenue (PAD). The statistic method applied in the research is inferential statistic with linear regression of multiple, test T, test F and applied statistic product and service solution (SPSS) version 24. 0. The result of the research is coefficient of parking tax (b1) is 281 and coefficient of advertisement tax (b2) is 1.440 which indicates that parking tax and advertisement tax positively affect to the local government revenue (PAD), value adjusted R2 is 0,952 that means is 95,2% dependent variable on the local government revenue (PAD) of sukabumi city describe by independent variable is parking tax and advertisement tax, while 90,63% the rest of the local government revenue (PAD) describe by another variable, on the results of hypothesis testing simultaneously showed that the two independent variables parking tax and advertising tax simultaneously have a significant effect on the local government revenue (PAD), and partial hypothesis test show that parking tax and advertisement tax separately have an effect on the local government revenue (PAD), but not significant.} }