@thesis{thesis, author={Bahtiar Dede Yusup}, title ={TATA CARA PELAPORAN PAJAK PERTAMBAHAN NILAI TERHADAP PENGADAAN ALAT TULIS KANTOR DAN BAHAN PENUNJANG KOMPUTER PADA PERTANAHAN KOTA SUKABUMI}, year={2018}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/636/}, abstract={Final Report entitled "PROCEDURES OF VAT REPORTING ON PROCUREMENT OF COMPUTER TOOLS AND COMPUTER SUPPLY SUPPORT TO SUCCESSFUL LOCATION OF SUKABUMI CITY" was prepared by DEDE YUSUP BAHTIAR with Student Number 1541211003 Under the Guidance of Mr. Darmo H. Suwiryo, M.M and Mrs. Risma Nurmilah, M.Si. In the National Land Agency has done so the application of E-invoicing value added tax is considered can reduce the amount of circulation of fictitious tax invoice and also can improve taxpayer compliance especially taxable entrepreneurs (PKP). Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim to determine the effect of Einvoicing application of value added tax on taxpayer compliance improvement (WP). This type of research is conducted by descriptive method that describes a situation or event, not to seek a relationship or cause. The primary and secondary data used in this final report are collected by interview technique and literature study. Based on the results of the analysis that has been done then obtained the conclusion that the application of E-invoice value added tax affects taxpayer compliance (WP).} }