@thesis{thesis, author={Pitria Sofi}, title ={TATA CARA PENGINPUTAN FAKTUR PAJAK PADA APLIKASI E-FAKTUR UNTUK PAJAK PERTAMBAHAN NILAI ATAS OBAT DI RUMAH SAKIT ISLAM ASSYIFA KOTA SUKABUMI}, year={2018}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/641/}, abstract={This Final Report was prepared by Sofi Pitria with Student Number 1541211013, under the title "Procedure for Invoicing Tax Invoice on E-Invoice Application for Value Added Tax on Potion at Assyifa Islamic Hospital of Sukabumi City". This report is prepared based on the results of research conducted by the author at Assyifa Islamic Hospital of Sukabumi City. This report aims to graduate the requirements of Diploma Three Diploma Program Studies D-III Taxation. And provide an overview of the procedure for inputting tax invoices on E-Invoice application for Value Added Tax (VAT) on potions at Assyifa Islamic Hospital of Sukabumi City. This report is also shown to users of the E-Invoices application in reporting the amount of Value Added Tax (VAT) payable in certain periods and the advantages and disadvantages of the EInvoicing application. The methodology used is descriptive methodology with observation, interview, and literature review. Observations and interviews were conducted by the author at the Assyifa Islamic Hospital of Sukabumi City. The result of this observation and interview is the procedure of inputting tax invoice on E-Invoice application for Value Added Tax on medicine at Assyifa Moslem Hospital of Sukabumi City can be done by several steps, Procedure of reporting Value Added Tax on potion in E-Invoicing application at Assyifa Islamic Hospital of Sukabumi City, and the advantages of E-Invoicing application can help the company in maintaining confidentiality and facilitate the tax reporting in certain periods, and there are some deficiencies one of them this application is vulnerable by virus because it is connected to the internet.} }