@thesis{thesis, author={Azhari Achmad Yohan}, title ={HUBUNGAN PANJANG TUNGKAI, KELENTUKAN PINGGANG DAN KELENTUKAN PERGELANGAN KAKI TERHADAP KECEPATAN TENDANGAN DOLLYO CHAGI ATLET TAEKWONDO KLUB BTSC KABUPATEN BOGOR TAHUN 2018}, year={2018}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/643/}, abstract={The background of this study is the high athletes and athletes who have good flexibility not always have a nice kick velocity. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between leg length, waist flexibility, and flexibility ankle against dollyo kick velocity. This research is a quantitative research with correlational method using test and measurement instrument. The population in this study was a member of Taekwondo club BTSC (Bogor Taekwondo South Center) the sample used was a member who had practiced at least 6 months assuming to have mastered the basic technique of dollyo chagi which amounted to 30 members. Sampling using a saturated sampling technique. The research variables were leg length, lumbar flexibility, and ankle flexibility to dollyo kick speed. Data analysis techniques using product moment correlation and multiple regression analysis with the help of SPSS V.21 program for hypothesis testing The results obtained from this study are (1) There is no significant correlation between the long legs and speed kick of dollyo, this is indicated r = -0.20 with Sig. 0.918. (2) there is a significant correlation between waist flexibility to speed kick of dollyo, this is indicated r = 0.378 with Sig. 0.39. (3) there is a significant correlation between flexibility ankle to speed kick of dollyo , this is indicated r = 0.662 and Sig. 0,000. (4) there was no significant correlation between long legs and waist flexibility to speed kick of dollyo, this is indicated r = 0.378 and Sig, 0.124. (5) there is a significant correlation between the long legs and ankle flexibility to speed kick of dollyo, dengan r = 0.662 and Sig, 0,000. (6) there is a significant correlation between waist flexibility and ankle flexibility to speed kick of dollyo, with r = 0.664 and Sig. 0,000. (7) there is a significant correlation between log lengs, waist flexibility, anad ankle flexibility on simultaneosly to speed kick of dollyo chagi with r = 0.664 and Sig. 0.02, Fhitung 6.842> 2.98 Ftable with simultaneously construction R² 44.1%} }