@thesis{thesis, author={Susena Indra}, title ={PENGARUH GAYA MENGAJAR KOMANDO TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SMASH BOLAVOLI SMPN 15 KOTA SUKABUMI TAHUN AJARAN 2017/2018}, year={2018}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/657/}, abstract={The influence of command style, to the learning uocomes, smash volleyball SMPN 15 Sukabumi City. Academic year 2017/2018 model this reseach is aquntitative researcher that is research that is experimental reseach desigh : experimental desing (non desigh) whit the shepe desigh one group Pretest-posttest design population in the is researcher is all student of class VIII n family class and in grade 8 bas a sample of research by using purposive sample. Data retrivel is taken, whith the instrument in the from of rating rublic listed on RPP orches tra SMPN 15 Sukabumi City, the technique of data analysis using t thes analisys of normality and homogeneity test the resul hypotesisys using the resul of resear on the real tevel (a)0,05 researt result show that : there is asignifikan in flu ini ence bet ween the direc model of the outcome of the Smash in the games of volleyball . test-t on the calculation result get te arit h metitic of (5,18) > t- table (1,69) on the rap real )0,05 so there is a diference signifikan bet ween data before and after given treatment. The increase loock real because there I an increase of 2,29 or 2,92% , of the average 27,78-24,86 Based on the result of the analisisys of the date then there is inerease skill games volleyball on the student VIII B SMPN 15 Sukabumi Cyti theroug the application of the command stilyle teaching style. Conclusion in this researcher there is : Learning bolavoli students become no trouble doing smash and the purpose of this study aims to determine the learning outcomes of the game bolavoli no effect of command style.} }