@thesis{thesis, author={Razbie Ricki Yana}, title ={SURVEY TINGKAT KEMAMPUAN DRIBBLING PADA PERMAINAN SEPAKBOLA DI EKSTRAKURIKULER SDN SUNGAPAN KECAMATAN KADUDAMPIT 2018}, year={2018}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/666/}, abstract={With the riset for knew be abel to dribbling in play football in ekstraculiculer SDN Sungapan Kecamatan Kadudampit is be able to the rancing dribbling still wrong and is still much cordination a foot is wrong. The use tehnic this riset a survei tehnic, and used tes and . Survei is catagori deskriptif riset. And the in this riset used the bring ball tes, with sum the riset a15 boy ekstrauliculer football SDN Sungapan . With the riset for knew be able to dribbling a studen the following ekstraculiculer football in SDN Sungapan Kecamatan Kadudampit and so on : 0 siswa (0,00%) in nomination is have be able to dribbling is nice, 3 studen(9,09%) in nomination is have be able to dribbling is high, 3 studen (9,09%) in nomination is have dribbling enough, 5 studen (16,16%) in nomination be able to dribbling is down, and 4 studen (7,07%) in nomination be able to dribbling is very down. Score : 18,17 on the interval 16,60 ? 18,63, be able to dribbling a student is following football extraculiculer} }