@thesis{thesis, author={Solih Ari Sundari}, title ={PENGARUH MEDIA BIG BOOK TERHADAP PEMAHAMAN UNSUR CERITA ANAK DI KELAS RENDAH}, year={2018}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/690/}, abstract={This study aims to determine the effect of application of character-based big book media to understanding the element of children's story. This research was conducted at SDN 1 Selaawi in Grade III Semester of the academic year 2017/2018. The method used in this research is Quasi Experimental Design with Noquivalent Control Group Design research design. The sample of this research is Class III A and Class III B SDN 1 Selaawi. The data collecting is done using test which consist of pretest and posttest and observation. Lessons are carried out in experimental class using big book media while for control class without using big book media. Learning is held only one meeting in both experimental and control classes with the same material that is the story of the child. The calculation result shows that the average value of pretest of experiment class is 64,5 while control class is 62,6. In addition, the T test results of two independent samples indicate the sig value. amounted to 0.536. The value is greater than 0.05, meaning both the experiment and control classes have the same initial capability. As for the average posttest result in the experimental class obtained an average score of 77.66 while in the control class obtained an average value of 64.66. In addition, based on the results of hypothesis testing using T test two independent samples obtained sig value. 0,000. The sig value. is less than 0.05, meaning that there is a significant difference from the posttest result between the experimental class and the control class. Based on the results of research can be concluded that the big book media gives influence to the understanding of the element of the story of students in class III SDN 1 Selaawi.} }