@thesis{thesis, author={Rusmiati Rusmiati}, title ={PENGARUH MEDIA POP-UP BERBASIS KARAKTER TERHADAP KETERAMPILAN MENULIS KARANGAN NARASI SISWA DI KELAS TINGGI}, year={2018}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/708/}, abstract={This research aims to knowing the influence of the application of characterbased pop-up media to the student?s narrative writing skills. This research employed Quasi Experimental Design with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The sample used in this research were the students of class IV A and IV B of SDN 1 Selaawi. The data were collected through teswhich included pretest and posttest, and observation. The lessons are carried out in the experimental class is using pop-up media while for the control class without using pop-up media. The learning was done twice in both experiment and control classes with the same material that is writing narrative essay.The result showed that the average score of experiment group was higher (79,67) compared with the average score of control group (57,33). Also, the result of T-Test pointed that the significant value was 0,000. It was lower than 0,05 which meant that there was significant difference between experiment and control groups. Thus, it could be concluded that the character-based pop-up media have an effect on the skill of writing a narrative essay of students in grade IV SDN 1 Selaawi.} }