@thesis{thesis, author={Fauzi Muhammad Rijal}, title ={APLIKASI PEMBIMBINGAN AKADEMIK BERBASIS WEB (STUDI KASUS: PROGRAM STUDI TEKNIK INFORMATIKA UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH SUKABUMI)}, year={2018}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/728/}, abstract={Muhammadiyah University Sukabumi (UMMI) is the first university in Sukabumi City. There are six faculties in UMMI, one of which is the Faculty of Science and Technology (FSAINTEK). The IT Study Program assigns Academic Supervisors (DPA) through the Dean Dean Decrees (SK) and these provisions are listed in the Academic Guidance Book of the UMMI IT Study Program. To assist the lecture and guidance process, Muhammadiyah University Sukabumi has provided online services, namely the existence of the Academic Information System (SIAK). Coaching activities conducted between students and DPA (Academic Advisors) are not effective, not as stated in the Academic Guidance Book of the UMMI IT Study Program. Therefore the authors propose research with the title "Web-based Academic Guidance Application (Case study: Informatics Engineering Study Program of Muhammadiyah University Sukabumi). With the making of the application, the author can help the process of academic guidance activities between DPA and students, as well as assisting DPA in conveying information to parents / guardians of students around academic and non-academic through the SMS Gateway service. In developing this system the author uses the PHP programming language and the database used is MySQL. The system development methodology that I use is the waterfall method, system design uses UML (Unifield Modeling Language) and software to send SMS using GAMMU. As well as testing this application using the concept of testing Black Box Testing} }