@thesis{thesis, author={Utari Rizki}, title ={WEBSITE E-LEARNING SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS NEGERI 1 PARAKANSALAK KABUPATEN SUKABUMI}, year={2018}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/735/}, abstract={In teaching and learning process activities generally apply conventional learning, where the delivery of the material is still described directly by face to face in the classroom. While the process of teaching and learning like that does not fully run well when teachers are unable to attend, so that required information technology to support and help it. E-learning is an information technology for instructional media applied in the field of education to support teaching and learning process into digital form by utilizing internet technology. In E-learning technology, all the teaching and learning process commonly obtained in a classroom can be done online. In this case, teachers and learners directly communicate and interact at the same time but in different places. In this E-learning application there are (1) Assignment is a facility to access the material (2) Task Form, that is the teacher can give the task directly in e-learning and students answer and upload the answer (3) chat facility, (4) forum facilities, used as a forum for online discussion in discussing a learning material (5) and the existence of an information facility that presents the data of teachers, students and the subject of each class. This application is made using web and designed with programming language PHP and MySQL as database, testing this application using Blackbox testing concept. With this information technology can help when the process of teaching and learning activities are not running well, by running the functions that exist in this elearning and can be utilized in accordance with the needs of users.} }