@thesis{thesis, author={Aprianto Tubagus}, title ={PENDAFTARAN SISWA BARU MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH SUNANULHUDA BERBASIS WEB DI KABUPATEN SUKABUMI}, year={2018}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/737/}, abstract={MTs. SunanulHuda is one of the madrasah of formal education in Sukabumi district, MTs SunanulHuda existence is thanks to the ideals and struggle of the founders of Sunanul Huda. With the increasing number of new students each year, from 2017 to 400 new students, by 2018 has increased to 500 new students, the enrollment of new students in MTs SunanulHuda is still inefficient and not conducive, as a number of prospective students must go to school and queue to pick up and deliver the registration form to the registration (operator) section. Other weaknesses in MTs SunanulHuda include the lack of information to students about the lesson schedule, student class, student payment status, and student learning outcomes in MTs Sunanul Huda. Furthermore, the problems that occur are homeroom guardian must process student values manually and each teacher must provide a syllabus that is made still done manually and stored by each teacher. Making this information system is done by qualitative method. This information system is created using PHP programming language and Code Igniter framework. The final result of this final project is MTs Madrasah Information System. SunanulHuda which can be used to facilitate TU, Teacher, and Student Staff in carrying out teaching and learning activities.} }