@thesis{thesis, author={Wibowo Sena Prayogi}, title ={PENERAPAN ALGORITMA STRING MATCHING PADA UJIAN UTS DAN UAS SISWA DI SMA NEGERI 1 PARUNGKUDA}, year={2019}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/840/}, abstract={The testing system at Parungkuda 1 Public High School is still done conventionally which requires considerable time, cost and energy. The semester exam activities are usually preceded by making questions from the subject matter teacher, the questions made by the teacher will be duplicated by the academics. Then to find out the results, students' answers will be collected and corrected by the subject teachers. Students cannot immediately know the results or values. All of that requires quite a long time, especially the number of students of Parungkuda 1 High School is quite a lot. Creating a system to facilitate all problems from the examination system at Parungkuda 1 High School is the purpose of this study. Build a system where the system can simplify the examination process from the start of making, implementing and evaluating. In addition, this program also aims to reduce funds spent by schools for the implementation of student examinations. This research uses quantitative research methods which in this study are distinguished between experimental and nonexperimental methods. After analyzing all existing problems by conducting research, the writer gets a solution to the problems that occur about how to simplify a student examination process which was previously done conventionally to be computerized and also in a test program applied string matching algorithms to simplify the assessment process. In addition, this computerized exam program itself will reduce the cost of school expenses for the exam process where schools no longer need paper as a medium for student examinations. The computer-based exam program with the application of the string matching algorithm itself will be applied in a computer laboratory owned by Parungkuda 1 Public High School where the program uses the concept of a client server. Computers are used by students as clients, and computers are used by teachers and staff administrators as servers. With the design of the program it will be a solution to the problems that occur at this time in the examination process at Parungkuda 1 Public High School, besides that it is also one of the uses of current technology that should be utilized by the school.} }