@thesis{thesis, author={Subiharto Fahmi}, title ={ANALISIS STRUKTUR DALAM ANTOLOGI CERITA FANTASI FANTASY FIESTA 2011 SEBAGAI BAHAN PEMBELAJARAN SASTRA KELAS VII MTs INSAN KAMIL WARUNGKIARA TAHUN PELAJARAN 2018/2019}, year={2019}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/853/}, abstract={This study is in the background with a problem with less attractive and unintelligible divorce. So that educated people are not serious in analyzing. This study was conducted in the class of VII MTs Insan Kamil Warungkiara, with the number of 25 students present from 37 educated participants. The method of research used in this study is qualitative method. Data collection techniques used in this study are screenshot, tests, Numbers and documentation. The data sources in this study are the "Oris? by Ida Bagus Gede Wiraga and "Kembali ke Morova? by R.D Villam, taken from the best fantasy book of the 2011 fantasy fiesta. Of the study conducted there was a description of the structure of a structure and a sense of fantasy. The data from the learner's test gets the result that the average learner gets the value on the KKM. The average score of the young master's study is 77.88 to study the structure of the "Oris? by Ida Bagus Gede Wiraga, 75.60 to study the structure on the story "Kembali ke Morova? by R.D Villam, 81.68 in order to study the sentence of ?Oris? by Ida Bagus Gede Wiraga excellent work was a good job for the good of the people and 82.04 to study the depression on the story "Kembali ke Morova" by R.D Villam. The learner's response to the researcher's analysis received a positive response, with an average of a 8.66 response to "YES". Thus it is concluded that the analysis of the 2011 brinine fantasy and fantasy analysis can be made as a subject of literary learning class VII MTs Insan Kamil Warungkiara.} }