@thesis{thesis, author={Susanto Erwan}, title ={ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN PADA NY.E DENGAN GAGAL GINJAL KRONIK DI RUANG AISYAH DALAM LT.2 RSUD SEKARWANGI KABUPATEN SUKABUMI}, year={2019}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/924/}, abstract={Chronic renal failure is a progressive and irreversible disorder of renal function, where complications from chronic renal failure appear such as hypertension and anemia. In the SEKARWANGI General Hospital, chronic kidney failure occupies the third position with 31 cases (20%). This is the reason for the author to raise this issue in Scientific Writing. To get real experience in providing nursing care directly to clients with comprehensive chronic kidney failure including bio-psycho-social and spiritual aspects with the nursing process approach. The method used by the author is the approach and case study used regarding nursing care to clients with chronic renal failure. The results of the study conducted found three nursing diagnoses namely ineffective breathing patterns associated with the uremic system, changes in nutrisis less than body requirements related to anorexia nausea and vomiting, activity intolerance associated with physical weakness. Then the results of the evaluation after nursing care for three days, all the nursing problems that arise in the client all the problems can be resolved. In conclusion, the authors can apply the theory and process of nursing care for chronic renal failure. Although there are obstacles at the time of implementation where the author cannot 24 hours do nursing care so that he asks for help from a room nurse in the 24 hour nursing care process. There are also some gaps that were obtained, one of which was when the assessment was not found on the client's edema, while the theory was reviewed, the client usually experienced edema. There are several recommendations from the author, one of them is for the hospital so that the nurses in the room can pay more attention to the assessment and formulation of diagnoses.} }