@thesis{thesis, author={Oktora Bobor}, title ={PENGARUH BUDAYA ORGANISASI TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI DINAS KEPENDUDUKAN DAN PENCATATAN SIPIL KOTA SUKABUMI}, year={2019}, url={https://eprints.ummi.ac.id/961/}, abstract={The research is entitled ?The Influence of Organizational Culture towards Employee Performance at Population and Civil Registry of Sukabumi City?. The research was triggered by the researcher?s desire to find out. Based on the result of initial observation and interview, several problems were found at the Population and Civil Registry of Sukabumi City, such as: 1. Work Quality of the employee was not optimum in placing the employees; 2. Technical guidance of Employee Quantity was not optimum; 3. Performance Employee in publishing documents was not optimum and not in line with the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Article 3 Verse 2 year 2018. The Grand Theories applied wwere Organizational Culture by Robbins in Torang (2014:110) and Employee Performance by Minner in Sutrisno (2010:170). The methods applied in the research which was based o its explanation rate was associative with quantitative data. The techniques of collecting data applied were observation, interview, questionnaire, and literature review. Meanwhile, the technique of sampling applied was saturation sampling or census in which the population were amounted to 49 people (N=49). The result of analysis of Organizational Culture towards Employee Performance at the Population and Civil Registry Department of Sukabumi City shows that it has strong relation level between Organizational Culture variable with Employee Performance variable having correlation coefficient amounted to rxy = 0.76, which is valid and categorized to strong category. The determination coefficient is amounted to 57.76% and regression analysis is formulated to Y = 2.77 + 0.53 X. According to the result of discussion and analysis, it can be interpreted that Organizational Culture has strong relation and positive influence toward Employee Performance. Suggestion given by the researcher is that related with Organizational Culture and Employee Performance, the Population and Civil Registry Department od Sukabumi city has to re-improve and be result-and-quantity-oriented in order to provide maximum service.} }