@thesis{thesis, author={SUSANTO NANANG}, title ={THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MIND MAPPING METHOD TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ WRITING SKILL IN DESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT THE TENTH GRADE OF SMA N 1 KAUMAN PONOROGO IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2014/2015}, year={2015}, url={http://eprints.umpo.ac.id/1005/}, abstract={Keywords: Writing Skill, Mind Mapping and Descriptive Text. Writing is one of skill in English. Writing is the stage in which ideas are recorded on paper. The focus is for students to write fluently, expressing their ideas quickly with title concern for correctness. In teaching writing, the teacher can use suitable method to improve students? competence in writing. The method is Mind Mapping. Mind Mapping is a method that makes the students expres their ideas esier. Mind Mapping method able to expressing students idea and creativity. The statement of problem of this research is what the way to improve students? writing skill using Mind Mapping at the tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Kauman Ponorogo in academic year 2014/2015. The subject of this research was the eight grade students of tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Kauman Ponorogo in academic year 2014/2015 especially class A which consisted of 21 students. The instruments that used in this research are the English test sheet, observation sheets, and Questionnaire sheets. The research design in this study use classroom action research. There are four essential parts of classroom action research, they are: planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. This research divided into two cycles and two meetings in each cycle. The model of teaching uses mind mapping, this model aimed to develop students? creativities in learning writing. There are improvement results of test from first cycle until second cycle, the result was 52% passed at first cycle and 85.7% at second cycle. From the result of the test, it can be concluded that mind mapping method success to improve students? writing skill. Based on the observation check list and questionnaire data in the first cycle and second cycle, there are improvement averages of score. The observation check list in the first cycle the process got 40%, in the second cycle got 90.0%, then the questionnaire in the first cycle got 59.3% and in the second cycle got 85.0%, it could be said that the students enjoyed and became active during teaching and learning process through mind mapping method. Finally, the researcher gives suggestions to the English teachers that they can use mind mapping method as alternative method in teaching writing, then researcher expects English teacher or other can apply the mind mapping method to improve students? creativities in learning, because this method can be used for the other subjects.} }