@thesis{thesis, author={Zuhrotus Sholikhah Silvi}, title ={Hubungan Akses Informasi Berbasis Media Sosial Dengan Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Tentang Alat Kontrasepsi KB di Desa Wringinanom}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.umpo.ac.id/10050/}, abstract={In this modern era, the internet plays an important role in people's lives. Many people use the internet as a source of information about the knowledge they want and can help people work. Social media is one of the media used by the community in cellphones to access the internet. As is the case with knowledge of family planning contraceptives or other health. This study aims to analyze the relationship of access to information based on social media with the mother's level of knowledge about family planning contraceptives. This research method is quantitative analytic with a cross-sectional design using a purposive sampling technique. The population of all active family planning acceptors in Wringinanom Village in 2021 is 809 and a sample of 65 active family planning acceptors. The instrument in this study used a questionnaire. The results of this study showed that most of the 46 respondents (70.8%) had a good level of knowledge about family planning contraceptives with the use of WhatsApp social media as many as 32 respondents (69.5%) while most of the 45 respondents (61.5%) with the category of "ever" accessing social media about family planning contraceptives with the most use of social media via WhatsApp as many as 26 respondents (65%). Based on the results of the chi-square statistical test, the p-value (0.406) > (0.05) can be concluded that accept Ho, which means that there is no relationship between access to social media-based information and the mother's level of knowledge about family planning contraceptives in Wringinanom Village. It is hoped that this writing can be used for further research..} }