@thesis{thesis, author={Wiliandari Nova}, title ={LITERATUR REVIEW: PENGARUH TEKNIK RELAKSASI AUTOGENIK TERHADAP PENURUNAN TINGKAT KECEMASAN PADA IBU HAMIL PRIMIGRAVIDA TRIMESTER KETIGA}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.umpo.ac.id/10056/}, abstract={ABSTRACT LITERATURE REVIEW: EFFECT OF AUTOGENIC RELAXATION TECHNIQUES ON DECREASED LEVELS OF ANXIETY IN PREGNANT WOMEN PRIMIGRAVIDA THIRD TRIMESTER By: Nova Wiliandari 20631951 Introduction : Anxiety is a feeling of fear whose cause is not clear and is not supported by the existing situation. One of the sources of anxiety stressors is pregnancy. In Indonesia, there are 28.7% of pregnant women who experience anxiety in the face of childbirth. Anxiety is more prevalent in primigravida mothers. Anxiety in primigravida mothers may arise in the third trimester. Anxiety has a negative impact on pregnant women such as inhibited fetal growth, weakening uterine muscle contractions, the risk of giving birth to premature babies, and affecting the growth and development of children. Anxiety can be reduced by relaxation. Effective relaxation for pregnant women's anxiety is autogenic relaxation. This study aims to determine the effect of autogenic relaxation on reducing anxiety in pregnant women. Autogenic relaxation is one of the techniques that comes from oneself in the form of words or short sentences that can make the mind feel at ease. Relaxation is carried out by imagining oneself in a state of peace and tranquility. Method: This study uses the Systematic Mapping Study method selected from the Google Scholar database, Garuda. There are several points set in the filtering of articles using the year of publication, conformity with keywords, duplication, Full Text, and the use of Indonesian or English, then the articles are selected using PICO so that 7 articles are obtained which are then analyzed. Results: Based on 7 articles that have been analyzed, results were obtained that autogenic relaxation is effective in reducing anxiety with different frequency of administration. Autogenic relaxation is most effective in reducing anxiety when done at 07.00-17.00 with a frequency of 15-20 minutes once a day for three consecutive days. Conclusion: The highest level of anxiety occurs in pregnant women in adolescents with the first pregnancy in triester III, the most effective technique for reducing the anxiety of pregnant women with the intervention of autogenic relaxation. Literature Review is that the provision of effective autogenic relaxation is an easy solution to do as an effort to reduce anxiety in pregnant women with small side effects. Keywords: Autogenic Relaxation, Anxiety, Pregnancy.} }