@thesis{thesis, author={PEBRI VIVI}, title ={ANALISIS PENANAMAN KEDISIPLINAN ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS DI TK INKLUSI PAS BAITUL QUR'AN SIMAN}, year={2024}, url={http://eprints.umpo.ac.id/13940/}, abstract={Vivi Pebri. 2023. Analisis Penanaman KedisiplinanAnak Berkebutuhan Khusus Di Tk Inklusi Pas Baitul Qur?an Siman Ponorogo. Thesis. Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. Advisor 1 1 Hadi Cahyono, S.Pd., M.Pd., Advisor 2 Nurtina Irsyad, M.Pd. This research aims to: (1) Describe the implementation of instilling discipline to shape the character of children with special needs by educational staff at PAS Baitul Qur'an Siman Inclusive Kindergarten. (2) Identifying supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of instilling disciplinary character for children with special needs at PAS Baitul Qur'an Siman Inclusive Kindergarten. This research is descriptive qualitative research. In collecting information and descriptions about the discipline of children with special needs at PAS Baitul Qur'an Siman Inclusive Kindergarten, the research process in question includes observing people in their daily lives, interacting with them, and trying to understand their language and interpretations of the world around them. . The collection technique used was observing children's activities, conducting interviews with the school principal, Ustadzah and parents, as well as documentation. Research results 1) That the first implementation of instilling discipline in children with special needs in the PAS Baitul Qur'an Inclusive Kindergarten is a)that the children arrive on time, wearing uniforms according to the regulations and putting their shoes in their place. b) Children do gymnastics together following Ustadzah's directions followed by gymnastics instructions. c) Children pray together neatly. d) Children carry out gross motor activities by following the rules, patiently waiting their turn and doing the activity well. e) Children always prepare chairs and participate in learning with the direction of the ustadzah and tidy up the tools used for learning. f) Children are also able to return toys that have been used to their original place. g) When having lunch, the children take it patiently and put away the cutlery properly with the direction of the ustadzah. h) Children carry out dhuha prayers in congregation with the assistance of ustdzah. 2. Supporting and inhibiting factors Supporting factors in the implementation of instilling discipline in children in the PAS Baitul Qur'an Inclusive Kindergarten are support from parents, ustadzah and the environment. All three are very influential. On the part of parents and ustdzah, they must both have goals that lead to the development of children's discipline both at school and at home. Keywords : Early Childhood Education, Child Discipliner} }