@thesis{thesis, author={Nur Ani Rieka Shinta}, title ={HUBUNGAN PERSEPSI PERAWAT TENTANG DUKUNGAN RUMAH SAKIT DENGAN STRES KERJA MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 di Ruang Rawat Inap RSU Muhammadiyah Ponorogo}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.umpo.ac.id/9978/}, abstract={Nurses' perceptions of hospital support in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic are related to the high workload in the inpatient room which can lead to work stress. Nurses need aspects of justice, support from superiors and organizational rewards and working conditions from the hospital management as a form of attention and support for the emergence of perceptions. This study aims to determine the relationship between nurses' perceptions of hospital support and work stress during the Covid-19 pandemic in the inpatient room at RSU Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. This study uses a quantitative design using a cross sectional method. The population in this study were all nurses in the Ahmad Dahlan Inpatient Room, AR Fahruddin and KH. Mas Mansur. The sampling technique used is total sampling with a sample size of 50 respondents. Data collection using a questionnaire (google form). The data were analyzed using the Fisher's Exact Test statistical test. The results showed that from 50 respondents the majority of respondents had positive perceptions, namely 38 respondents (76,0%) and 12 respondents (24,0%) had negative perceptions about hospital support. Meanwhile, there are 32 respondents (64,0%) experiencing mild work stress and 18 respondents (36,0%) experiencing moderate work stress. based on the Fisher's Exact Test statistical analysis, a p value of 0,004 (?<0,05) was obtained, which means that there is a relationship between nurses' perceptions of hospital support and work stress during the Covid-19 pandemic in the inpatient room of the Muhammadiyah Ponorogo General Hospital. It is hoped that the positive perception that nurses already have can be maintained in order to be able to minimize work stress so that nurses can work optimally. Keywords: Nurse's Perception, Work Stress, Hospital Support} }