@thesis{thesis, author={ Dr. Muthofin and Prasetyo Binara Bayu}, title ={Perlindungan Terhadap Konsumen Yang Dirugikan Atas Tindakan Penjualan Jamu Herbal Menurut Hukum Perdata Dan Hukum Islam}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/100187/}, abstract={This study focuses on cases of fraud and violations of the law that cause material and consumer health losses by herbal products produced and circulated in the community which are facilitated by the Klaten District Attorney which is the official agency authorized to hear and try the case. The purpose of this research is to explain the case and the verdict from the trial results. The main problems in this study are 1. What are the procedures for consumer protection against the circulation of illegal herbal products because they have committed fraud to the public? 2. What is the procedure for protecting consumer health for the circulation of herbal products that do not have the standards and eligibility from the relevant agencies? 3. What is the decision of the Klaten District Court and the Klaten District Attorney's Office to try this case? The research method used in this study is a qualitative method using a descriptive approach. In this qualitative study the authors rely on institutions and humans, namely the Klaten District Attorney, MSME and MSME actors as research tools and conduct data analysis so that conclusions are obtained regarding the existence of criminal acts regarding consumer protection and criminal acts regarding health against consumers facilitated by the Klaten District Attorney. The results of this study can be concluded that herbal medicine business actors have not fully implemented the rules for producing herbal medicine correctly based on the provisions of the MUI, BPOM, and related agencies so as to allow the feasibility of producing these products to be circulated and traded in the community, especially in the jurisdiction of the Klaten District Attorney.} }