@thesis{thesis, author={ Ir.Taryono and Anisa Pramesti Dian}, title ={Analisis Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Di Kecamatan Polanharjo Kabupaten Klaten Tahun 2010 Dan 2020}, year={2022}, url={https://eprints.ums.ac.id/100290/}, abstract={Polanharjo Subdistrict is one of the areas in Klaten Regency which has experienced a decline in population growth, but has changed land use due to building construction. Changes in land use cause problems with the increasing demand for land due to building construction, thus requiring spatial data sourced from image analysis to make it easier to find information, calculate land area changes, and land use developments. The aims of this study are (1) to find out changes in land use that occurred in Polanharjo Subdistrict, Klaten Regency in 2010 and 2020, (2) The effect of tourism development on land use changes in Polanharjo Subdistrict, Klaten Regency in 2010 and 2020. This research method uses survey methods. to ensure the condition of the type of land use change in the image results with the actual situation in the field. The first objective of the analysis method is a qualitative method with the interpretation of Geo Eye Imagery, Digitization, Overlay, and Accuracy Test in order to know the changes in land use in 2010 and 2020 in Polanharjo District. The second objective of the analysis method is interviews to find out the tourism developed by the Polanharjo community that affects land use changes. The results of the first research objective were land changes in Polanharjo District in 2010 and 2020 with land status changing in an area of 24,79 Ha with the most changes in land type, namely settlements., Keprabon Village experienced the highest change of 4.41 Ha. Factors influencing land use change include population growth, population density, and regional accessibility, infrastructure, and land carrying capacity. The results of the second goal, namely tourism has an effect on land change, as evidenced by the results of interviews on tourism developments that occurred in the villages of Janti, Ponggok, Nganjat, and Sidowayah whose land was turned into tourism. The tourist objects in Polanharjo Subdistrict which are clustered make changes in land use due to the development of tourism in this location more than locations far from tourist attractions.} }