@thesis{thesis, author={ Ir.Taryono and Yulianto Eftendi}, title ={Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan Pertanian Menjadi Non Pertanian di Kecamatan Delanggu Kabupaten Klaten Tahun 2010 dan 2020}, year={2022}, url={https://eprints.ums.ac.id/100293/}, abstract={Delanggu District is an area that has experienced changes in land use from initially agricultural land to non-agricultural land due to the influence of regional development. The research was conducted in the District of Delangu, Klaten Regency. Delanggu District is an area that has experienced changes in land use. The Delanggu area is an industrial area, so many new buildings have sprung up such as factories, restaurants and rice warehouses. The purpose of this study is to analyze land use changes in Delanggu in 2010 and 2020, and analyze the impact of industrial development on land use changes in Delanggu District in 2010 and 2020. This method requires a survey, with the use of samples on the data collected. Sampling by using purposive sampling method. The research analysis of land use change uses a qualitative descriptive method that uses technology in the form of GIS with the overlay method or overlapping land use maps in 2010 and 2020. The results of the study can be analyzed using descriptive methods. Factors causing land use change were analyzed with qualitative data. Land change from 2010 to 2020 is dominated by residential land types, up to 57.70 Ha. Villages that experienced changes in land use in Delangu District were Delangu Village, Sabrang Village and Krecek Village. The most important factors of the influence of industrial development on land use change in Delanggu District are population growth, population density, infrastructure and land value. From the results of the interview with the Village Head, the results obtained that there was a change in land function were easy infrastructure facilities, easy and fast access, and adequate infrastructure. The results of interviews with business actors are that the location is useful for starting a business and the land is relatively economical when compared to the income earned. The problem that exists in Delanggu District is that it causes agricultural land to decrease, so that many rice fields have been turned into residential or industrial land so that problems arise that affect food security and crop yields.} }