@thesis{thesis, author={ Ir. Alpha Febela P and Mumtazia Lazuardi Azhar}, title ={Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Telaga Madirda Karanganyar Dengan Pendekatan Sustainable Tourism}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/100541/}, abstract={After the global economic crisis, tourism began to be used as a basis for foreign exchange earnings by various countries. This is evidenced by the increasing number of tourist visits in the international tourism sector as evidenced by data from the ETC-UNWTO. The tourism sector plays an important role in contributing 9% of the total world GDP. The tourism sector is able to attract a lot of workers, this makes the tourism sector one of the 11 jobs that absorb the most labor. For Karanganyar Regency, the tourism sector is one of the main potentials compared to the potential of other sectors such as industry and agriculture. The tourism sector is one of the main development objectives in the regional long-term development plan (RPJPD) 2005-2025. Nature tourism has developed into leading tourism in Karanganyar because most of the Karanganyar Regency is located on the slopes of Mount Lawu, one of which is Berjo Village. Not all existing Berjo Village tourism objects, especially nature tourism in Lake Madirda, have been managed and utilized properly. Lack of supporting facilities and complementary facilities. If tourism can be managed properly, tourism can ensure the preservation of nature and culture, as well as provide jobs for local residents and tourism development in the vicinity in the long term. Therefore, in the development of tourism, it is necessary to apply the concept of development that considers its impact in the long term, namely through the concept of sustainable tourism. Tourism development with the consideration of sustainable tourism can later be a starting point for tourism development in Berjo Village. Sustainable tourism development basically has the basic principles of each element of sustainable development. In this case, there are five components that need to be considered, namely equity, participation, diversity, integration, and a long-term perspective.} }