@thesis{thesis, author={ Drs. and Hasanah Sofiatun Nur}, title ={Penerapan Etika Bisnis Islam Pada Pedagang Sapi Studi Kasus Pasar Sapi Singkil DesaKaranggeneng Kec Boyolali Kab Boyolali}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/100714/}, abstract={Theemergence of thoughts and sights regardingbusiness ethics is driven by the reality of business which ignores many moral values The reality of todays business there is a tendency to ignore ethics With the trade in Pasar SapiBoyolali it is expected to be able to maintain business ethics according to Islamic law The focus of this research is how the application of Islamic business ethics bytraders in Pasar SapiBoyolaliand its impact on theirwelfare The type of thisresearch is field research and it uses descriptive qualitative methods as the approach Primary data sources were obtained through interviews with traders and the village head of Pasar Sapi Singkil The results of this study indicate that Islamic business ethics applied by traders have not fully implemented the principles of Islamic business ethics except in the case that it is forbidden to use perjuryand how flexibility and generosity should always be applied From the study of the impact of Islamic business ethics on the welfare of cattle traders its shown that welfare from material and spiritual indicators havenot been fully obtained From materialaspects only some have been fulfilled such as providing a living and a comfortable place to live Traders have been able to fulfill spiritual needs such as carrying out the pillars of Islam maintaining environmental security providing good education for their children good offspring and protecting their wealth However they have yet been ableto perform the pilgrimagethe 5thpillar of Islam} }