@thesis{thesis, author={ Heru Supriyono and Lovitasari Viola}, title ={Sistem Pengajuan Laporan Kehilangan Berbasis Web Dalam Peningkatan Pelayanan Masyarakat Pada Polsek Boyolali Kota}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/100848/}, abstract={Kepolisian Sektor (Polsek) Boyolali Kota is a government agency domiciled at the sub-district level. The number of complaints from the public makes Polsek Boyolali Kota need to improve the quality of service. The obstacle faced by the complainant in submitting Surat Keterangan Tanda Lapor Kehilangan (SKTLK), namely, they are required to do things such as provide proof of the village certificate, KUA certificate, and proof of identity, but these requirements have not been understood so that the complainant keeps coming back to the police station. The complaint from the officers Sentra Pelayanan Kepolisian Terpadu (SPKT) is that the reporting data has not been stored in the digital system. The purpose of this study is to design a web-based loss report submission system to facilitate the public in filing a loss report. The design of this system uses the PHP programming language with MySQL as the database modeling waterfall. The resulting system is in the form of a website-based loss report system equipped with features for submitting a loss report, tracking loss letter for the complainant, and downloading pdf documents. As for the system admin and SPKT officers there is a notification feature, can see the number of loss events each month in the form of a bar graph, as well as make monthly reports based on the name of the officer and range certain date So that this system can also assist the Polsek Boyolali Kota in assessing the performance of SPKT officers. Based on testing using the black box method, the system did not find errors and the input and output produced were in line with expectations. Meanwhile, the System Usability Scale (SUS) test got a final result of 70, where this number is included in the good category. So it can be concluded that the system can be accepted by the community and SPKT officers in helping to improve services at the Polsek Boyolali Kota.} }