@thesis{thesis, author={ Heru Supriyono and Goevara Aisyah}, title ={Sistem Informasi Penjualan Berbasis Website UD 2003 Mbah Darmo}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/100865/}, abstract={The development of information technology that is growing resulted in the emergence of E-commerce that facilitates transactions in the business world. UD 2003 Mbah Darmo is a trading company that sells building materials such as loster, lis, paving, concrete buses, pawns, kanstin and batako. During the establishment of UD 2003 Mbah Darmo, the sales process is still done manually such as recording transactions using books and lack of information about the amount of stock so that there are many errors in transaction data and information about a product in UD 2003 Mbah Darmo. This research aims to create a website-based sales system that is done online to make it easier for the public to know information on the amount of stock, the price of an item, conduct goods searches and transactions. The research uses the SDLC method with a waterfall model consisting of needs analysis, system design, program code writing, testing and application of programs. The creation of this system uses several software such as PHP, MySQL, Sublime, CodeIgniter. This research resulted in a ud 2003 Mbah Darmo website-based sales information system. Based on the results of tests using blackbox and UAT that have been done, showing results reaching 92.4% viewed from the assessment category fall into the category of excellent, the system shows that the system is worth using and meets the needs of users.} }