@thesis{thesis, author={ Heru Supriyono and RANTI AMARTYA BINTANG WIJAT}, title ={Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Pendaftaran Dan Rekam Medis Dokter Keluarga dr. Eko Setiawan Berbasis Website}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/100877/}, abstract={General practice of family doctor dr. Eko currently does not have a system to manage patient registration and medical records. The registration process and medical records are still carried out in the traditional way which leads to less effective service to patients. A medical record is a file containing records and documents about the patient's identity, examination, treatment, actions, and other services that have been provided to the patient. The purpose of this study is to improve health services and health actors, facilitate the process of inputting medical records and printing patient medical records, so a system of managing registration and medical records is created. The design of this system uses the System Development Life Cycle model using the waterfall model approach because the stages in the waterfall model are carried out in a structured manner that starts with the requirement analysis, design system, implementation, integration and testing, and operation and maintenance stages. The system is developed using PHP using the Laravel 7 framework, and its own database management uses MySQL. The system produced in this study there is a registration and medical record management information system that has features such as patient medi records, user input, patients, drugs, printed medical records and patient prescription drugs, as well as printed patient monthly reports. Testing of the system using black box testing and usability scale system which gets an average score of 72,125 so that it can be concluded that the system can be accepted and used in Family Practice dr. Eko.} }