@thesis{thesis, author={ Dr. Faizah Betty Rahayuningsih and Dewanti Oviana}, title ={Efektivitas Media Audiovisual dan Leaflet Terhadap Pengetahuan Sikap dan Praktik Perawatan Kehamilan Pada Ibu Hamil di Puskesmas Tambakromo}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/100959/}, abstract={Health education about pregnancy care is efforts to increase knowledge, attitudes, and behavior towards their health. Process of delivering information in health education using audiovisual media and leaflets. The purpose of study to determine differences effectiveness health education with audiovisual and leaflets increasing level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices of pregnancy care at Puskesmas Tambakromo. This research is experimental using two group pretest posttest design. The samples using total sampling technique of 76 pregnant women who were given individual health education using different media. Data analysis used Independent Sample T-test and Mann Whitney with p < 0.05. The results of Wilcoxon and Paired T-test before given health education showed that respondent?s knowledge, attitudes, and practices of pregnancy care were at moderate level and increased after being given health education. Based on Mann Whitney test, results of knowledge with p-value = 0.004, practice with p-value = 0.007, and Independent Sample T-test on attitude with p-value = 0.010. It is concluded that health education using audiovisual media more effective than leaflet in increasing knowledge, attitudes, and practices of pregnancy care for pregnant women at Puskesmas Tambakromo. Health workers in Puskesmas are advised to use audiovisual media as means of delivering health information to pregnant women so their knowledge, attitudes, and practices of pregnancy care increase.} }