@thesis{thesis, author={ Ihwan Susila and Trisnawati Puspita}, title ={Analisis Pengaruh Harga, Kualitas Produk Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelangan Di Lazada}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/100974/}, abstract={This study aims to determine the effect of Price, Product Quality and Service Quality toward Customer Satisfaction. The method used in this study was quantitative method and assessment of the results of this study based on the answers on questionnaires which was given to respondents using Likert Scale. Populations in this research were UMS students from the Faculty of Economics Bussines and the total samples in this research were 100 respondents. The analytical methods used in this study are descriptive analysis, instrument test (Validity and Normality), Classic Assumption Test (Normality, Heteroscedasticity, Multicolonierity and Autocorrelation), Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, T Test, F Test and Determinant R² coefficient . From the result of t test (partially), it had been obtained the result that variable of Price (X1) and Product Quality (X2) had influence and significant toward Customer Satisfaction of Lazada Online store. While the variable of Service Quality (X3) had no effect and not significant toward Customer Satisfaction of Lazada Online store. From the f test (simultaneously), obtained the result that the three variables had an effect and significant toward the Customer Satisfaction of Lazada online store.} }