@thesis{thesis, author={- Arum Pratiwi and Santika Nurzahwa}, title ={Deskripsi Konsep Diri pada Remaja di SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Kartasura}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/102868/}, abstract={Adolescence is a very complex transition period. Adolescents as they enter adulthood experience various changes which are marked by physical changes. In addition, adolescents also experience changes in cognitive development and psychosocial development. Adolescents who are not ready for various changes and life problems that make the factors that cause adolescents are at risk of depression and will then affect self-concept in adolescents. Self-concept is divided into five components, namely self-image, self-identity, self-ideal, self-role and self-esteem. A positive self-concept will make adolescents appear confident in various situations, while a negative self-concept will make adolescents feel insecure in various situations. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of the self-concept that appears in adolescents. This research is a type of quantitative research, using a descriptive narrative research design approach. The research was conducted at SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Kartasura with a research sample of 77 students of SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Kartasura, sampling using non-probability cluster sampling technique. The research data was collected using an open-ended question questionnaire which was then analyzed using the central tendency technique. The results showed that 66 respondents (85.7%) had a positive self-image, 76 respondents (98.7%) had a positive self-identity, 75 respondents (97.4%) had a positive self-ideal, 58 respondents (75.3%) had a positive self-role and 73 respondents ( 94.8%) have positive self-esteem. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that in this study the characteristics of the majority of respondents were in the age of 10-14 years with female gender as well as in the five components of self-concept, namely self-image, self-identity, self-ideal, self-role and self-esteem in adolescents showing positive results.} }