@thesis{thesis, author={ Ir. Alpha Febela Priyatmono and Ramdhani Wira}, title ={Perancangan Resort Berbasis Eko Arsitektur di Kawasan Samota Kabupaten Sumbawa}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/102876/}, abstract={Sumbawa Regency through Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2018 concerning RIPPARKAB Sumbawa Regency in 2018-2027 is optimistic to develop tourism to be able to attract tourists up to 702,000 domestic tourists and 30,000 foreign tourists in 2027. One of the tourism objects of Sumbawa is the conservative area of Saleh-Moyo-Tambora Bay or better known as SAMOTA. With the increase and strong attractiveness will have an impact on increasing tourism as well as accommodation needs. Sea side Resort is a tourism accommodation in the form of beachside lodging which also provides special facilities for relaxing, exercising and recreation in terms of marine and cultural nature. Therefore, this planning and design aims to produce a sea side resort design in the SAMOTA Area that has 4-star specifications with a reflection of local culture as a tourism support facility in Sumbawa Regency. The planning and design methods used are based on an eco-architectural approach sourced from primary and secondary data and have gone through data processing by being linked to the essence of the project, the space approach, the study and space activities. The selection of an eco-architectural approach aims to create resort designs or designs that have local cultural values and do not cause environmental damage around the area. The ecological architecture-based approach refers to how to design a resort in the Samota Area of Sumbawa Regency that is environmentally friendly, has high aesthetic value, comfort, eco-friendly construction materials, indoor quality that supports the health of its residents, and areas that reflect local culture. From the results of the analysis that has been carried out, the planning and warfare of the sea side resort at SAMOTA has produced concepts such as the basic concept of design, the concept of tread, the concept of space, the concept of emphasizing eco-architecture, the concept of form, the concept of mass management, the concept of landscape, the concept of structure and the concept of utility.} }