@thesis{thesis, author={- Fajar Suryawan and Hengky Firmansyah Muhammad}, title ={Perancangan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro Turbin Ulir Menggunakan Pmsg Untuk Penerangan Jalan Dengan Fasilitas Pemantauan Lewat IoT}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/102986/}, abstract={Electrical energy includes energy that is needed by human life to meet daily needs, be it the needs for households, industry, and so on. Not a few power plants in Indonesia use non-renewable or non-renewable energy sources to produce electrical energy. where in the future there will be limitations of non-renewable sources and result in these energy sources being exhausted. There are still many areas in Indonesia that have not been able to enjoy electricity facilities for daily needs, especially in rural areas. We also often encounter street lighting facilities in rural areas that are minimal or even no street lighting at all. One of the potential renewable alternative energy sources is water. There are still many low-flow water flows such as rivers and rice field irrigation that have not been utilized properly. PLTMh or also known as Micro-hydro Power Plant can be a solution to several problems due to the uneven distribution of electricity, especially in villages. With easy construction and low manufacturing costs, it is an alternative to power plants. The screw-type water turbine is one type of water turbine that has the potential for small-scale electricity generation in an environmentally friendly manner. The screw type water turbine is very suitable for rivers in Indonesia because the operation of this turbine only requires a low turbine head (water drop point). The use of screw turbines by utilizing low water flow energy and converting it into a permanent magnet generator driving power to generate electricity. The output from the generator is in the form of AC voltage until it is rectified later with the rectifier and capacitor. Then electricity is supplied to DC lamps which can be used for street lighting. With the basis of monitoring the internet of things, the measurement of the output of micro hydro power plants can be monitored in real time remotely with internet coverage. Monitoring is done via a smartphone with the blynk application. The test data obtained are the average turbine rotation speed of ± 99 rpm. With an average turbine speed of ± 99 rpm, the generator output voltage is ± 4.4 volts and the boost converter output voltage is ± 11.31 volts. So that it can turn on a 12volt/4watt dc lamp load.} }