@thesis{thesis, author={ Ir. Alpha Febela Priyatmono and Harjoko Tatang Kusuma}, title ={Perancangan Labuan Bajo Creative And Cultural Center Dengan Pendekatan Neo-vernakular}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/102993/}, abstract={Currently, the world economy sector that is growing rapidly is a creative industry that is no exception in Indonesia. The variety of ethnic groups in Indonesia makes potential because it can make diverse and distinctive products so that they can compete in the domestic and international markets. Labuan Bajo is one of the five areas that are used as a development area for Super Priority Tourism Destinations proclaimed by the Government. In the development of Super Priority Tourism Destinations, it is not only supported by infrastructure development, but human resources, culture, and local economy also need to be taken into account. This is one of the potential to advance the creative industry and local culture in Labuan Bajo so that tourists not only travel nature but can buy or try the creative products produced and learn about the local culture. Through the design of the Creative and Cultural Center, it is expected to be able to collect, train, promote and develop the potential of creative actors, young people, or communities to support and improve the quality of the creative and cultural industries in West Manggarai. The discussion method used in this report is a qualitative descriptive method by obtaining primary data through direct field observation and secondary data obtained from literature studies. The results obtained from the analysis are the design concept of Labuan Bajo Creative and Cultural Center with a Neo-Vernacular architectural approach applied to buildings.} }