@thesis{thesis, author={ Dra. Aminah Asngad and Almastin Ardhananes Wari}, title ={Pemanfaatan Limbah Jerami Dan Bulu Ayam Sebagai Bahan Baku POP Dengan Penambahan Lumbricus Terrestris Dan Maggot BSF Sebagai Dekomposer}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/102997/}, abstract={Making organic fertilizer is an effort to reduce waste such as straw waste and chicken feather waste by composting using supporting organisms in the form of Lumbricus terrestris and Maggot BSF. The purpose of the study was to determine the quality of Nitrogen, Potassium and sensory characteristics of solid organic fertilizer made from straw and chicken feather waste with the addition of Lumbricus terrestris and BSF maggot as decomposers. The research was conducted at Gonilan Kartasura and Agrotechnology Laboratory, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Using the experimental method with a completely randomized design factorial pattern. Treatment factors: Factor 1(B) Decomposing Organisms B1= Lumbricus terrestris and B2= Maggot BSF and Factor 2(D) Raw materials D1= Straw waste 325 grams: Chicken feather waste 50 grams/5 days and D2= Straw waste 300 grams: Chicken feather waste 75 grams/5 days. using qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that the highest N content in B1D1 treatment was 1,77 % and the lowest in B2D2 was 0,47 %. The highest K content in B1D1 treatment was 0,42 % and the lowest in B2D1 was 0,40 %. The best sensory characteristics in B1D2 with results are very black, crumb texture, and smell of earth. The highest pH content in the B2D1 and B2D2 treatments was 6,2. It can be concluded that there are differences in the content of N and K as well as the sensory characteristics of each treatment. Quality of organic fertilizer in accordance with the provisions of SNI 19-7030-2004 Keywords:} }