@thesis{thesis, author={ Aflit Nuryulia Praswati and Humam Thoriq Aqil}, title ={Analisis Pengaruh Entrepreneurial Orientation Terhadap Performance yang di Mediasi Oleh Marketing Capability pada Perusahaan Start Up}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/103001/}, abstract={This research was conducted to determine the influence of entrepreneurial orientation on performance mediated by marketing capability, and to discuss the effect of cross-functional collaboration on performance. The approach used in this study is a descriptive and quantitative approach to data processing using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Based on the results of the research analysis that has been carried out with the title "ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF ENTREPRENEURIAL ORIENTATION ON PERFORMANCE MEDIATION BY MARKETING CAPABILITY IN STARTUP COMPANIES." Concluding that: entrepreneurial orientation to marketing capability has a positive and significant effect. Then, the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation to performance has a positive but not significant effect. Furthermore, the relationship between marketing capability and performance has a positive but not significant effect. Then, the relationship between cross-functional collaboration on performance has a positive and significant effect. Finally, the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation to performance mediated by marketing capability has a positive but not significant effect, it can be said that this mediation is partial mediation.} }