@thesis{thesis, author={ Vinisa N. Aisyah and Saputri Millennia Ramadhani Jannati}, title ={ANALISIS KETERBUKAAN DIRI MELALUI AKUN TWITTER @MAHASISWAUMS}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/103015/}, abstract={The phenomenon of anonymous accounts is the beginning of the emergence of autobase accounts that are used by Twitter users as a forum to submit confessions that will get replays from other users in the comments column without having to show their identity. Like the @MahasiswaUMS account, where students can send questions or complaints that will get attention and answers from other followers. This study aims to determine the privacy management of autobase followers @MahasiswaUMS when conducting self-disclosure using the theory of Communication Privacy Management (CPM). This study uses a qualitative method with a qualitative descriptive type. The researcher uses Miles and Huberman's data analysis techniques and uses triangulation of data sources to improve understanding and explore the truth from informants through various sources of data collected. The results in this study indicate that the informants carry out the privacy management process when conducting self-disclosure on the @MahasiswaUMS autobase by applying privacy rules based on five criteria in the Communication Privacy Management (CPM) Theory. Informants build private and collective boundaries to keep their identities safe, even though autobase is an anonymous forum, all informants have concerns about their identity, so that informants try to do some consideration before doing self-disclosure and periodically monitor tweets sent to avoid and minimize conflicts that may arise. anytime.} }