@thesis{thesis, author={ Dr. Kuswaji Dwi Priyono and Al Muchtari Hasan Achmad}, title ={Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan Fungsi Kawasan Terhadap Penggunaan Lahan Di Kota Mbay Kabupaten Nagekeo, Flores Nusa Tenggara Timur}, year={2022}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/103107/}, abstract={Damage to land in protected areas such as forests, mangroves, and decreased water absorption due to the use of riverbanks and rivers as cultivation areas have negative consequences such as increasing the intensity of disasters such as floods, landslides, to increasingly severe droughts. The research objectives include 1) Analyzing the distribution of land use, 2) Analyzing the direction of regional functions, and 3) Analyzing the suitability of land use for the direction of regional functions in Mbay City, Nagekeo Regency in 2022. The research method is secondary data analysis, the first goal is to use on screen digitization, the second goal uses overlapping and scoring, and the third goal uses overlapping between area functions and land use. The results obtained are that the land use of Mbay City is dominated by green land. In the form of forests, savanna, as well as the agricultural sector both dry and wet, such as fields / moor to irrigated rice fields. Overall, it is divided into twelve types of land use, dominated by savanna with an area of 7553.93 Ha. The lowest is a reservoir or reservoir, which is only 2.95 hectares of the total area of Mbay City. The direction of the function of the area in Mbay City is divided into four areas, including the area for cultivation of seasonal crops and settlements, the area for cultivation of annual plants, a buffer area, and a protected area. The protected area is the largest, which is 18352.50 Ha (57.12%). The area for cultivation of seasonal crops and settlements covers an area of 11638.65 hectares or 36.22%. Annual plant cultivation area, with an area of 2095.48 Ha or 6.52%. The buffer zone has the smallest area when compared to other area functions, which is 39.40 hectares or only 0.12% of the total area. The suitability of land use with the direction of the function of the area is mostly in accordance with the direction of the function of the area, which is 31057.30 Ha (96.67%) and the remaining area of 1068.72 Ha (3.33%) is not suitable. The land use that is not suitable is mostly in the function of protected areas, while the area is 997.23 Ha. It is feared that this condition will cause environmental damage, resulting in the intensity of disasters such as floods and land slides} }