@thesis{thesis, author={ Agus Anggoro Sigit and Prihandoko Trihani}, title ={Analisis Nilai Lahan Kecamatan Mergangsan Kota Yogyakarta Menggunakan Aplikasi SIG dan Penginderaan Jauh}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/58162/}, abstract={Land is one of the basic needs that must be fulfilled by every human being. Land needs in a city from year to year is always growing in line with the increased activity of the population. The development of the most prominent city seen from the development of population and buildings in the city. The phenomenon of the development of these numbers, will increase over time along with the improvement of functions and role of land in the city, as well as an increase in activity within a city. Mergangsan district is one of the districts in Yogyakarta City which is strategic and close to the city center causing the demand of land in this district is high and influential to the increase of land value level. In order to develop the value of land can be monitored, it is needed an analysis to know the value of land and analysis of dominant factors that affect the value of land. The method used in this research is survey method with Stratified Purpose Sampling technique, analyzed the overlay using quantitative tiered, and explained by Equal Interval data classification. The parameters used in this research are land use, positive accessibility, negative accessibility, and completeness of utility. Based on the results of the Map Land Value Mergangsan District is divided into 3 classes of high, medium, and low. Kelurahan which has the highest land value is Keparakan Village with a land area of 38.37 ha with a percentage of 80.95%. For the village that has the lowest land value is Wirogunan village is 17.92% with a land area of 14.02 ha. Positive accessibility factor is the most influential factor on the high value of land in Mergangsan District that is the number of local roads spread so as to facilitate the community to get somewhere.} }