@thesis{thesis, author={ Much Djunaidi S.T. and Kumaraningrum Virna Septiana Devi}, title ={Analisis Faktor Prioritas dan Penilaian Kinerja Perawat Bangsal Rawat Inap Rsjd Surakarta Dengan Metode Integrasi Umpan Balik 360 Derajat dan AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process)}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/66059/}, abstract={Assessment of nurse performance conducted at RSJD Surakarta sourced from the regulation of the Ministry of Health of the Republic Indonesia. The assessment undertaken aims to improve the quality of nurse's performance. To achieve the desired quality of nurse performance, it is necessary to consider factors related to the performance of the nurse as an effort to support the achievement of the aspects to be assessed. Where the performance appraisal conducted is also only assessed by the nurse's superior is head of space. A more valid performance assessment is a performance assessment involving more than one assessor. Based on the above description, the researcher wanted to study more deeply about the priority factors related to nurse's performance to achieve better value and performance assessment at Surakarta Soul Hospital by using 360 degree feedback and ahp ( analytical hierarchy process ) integration methods. The result shows that the priority factor that influence the nurse's performance is work competence factor. There is a difference in the gap value before the integration of the assessment is done after the integration of the assessment. From the assessment results obtained as many as 21 members of the nurse get the final value below the average and some members who fall into the range of value 5 (satisfactory).} }