@thesis{thesis, author={ Drs. Achmad Muthali’in and Ningrum Sri Utami}, title ={Implementasi Nilai Persatuan dalam Pancasila pada Tradisi Bersih Desa (Punden) Studi Kasus di Desa Tambakboyo Kabupaten Sukoharjo Kecamatan Tawangsari}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/66613/}, abstract={This study aims to describe the implementation of the value of unity in Pancasila in the clean tradition of the village (Punden) in Tambakboyo Village, Tawangsari District, Sukoharjo Regency, including the implementation of the value of unity, the obstacles faced, and the effort given. This study uses qualitative research, with a case study strategy. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. Test the validity of the data by triangulating data sources and data collection techniques. Data analysis uses interactive techniques through data collection, data reduction, presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of the study show that prioritizing unity and unity as well as national interests above personal interests, developing a sense of pride in the nation and land of Indonesia, and developing unity based on Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which is carrying out mutual cooperation to clean up the courtyard environment where traditional events take place, mutual cooperation is carried out as a form of action to strengthen brotherhood regardless of social status. Actions help each other and cooperate which reflects the Tambakboyo village community proud of the tradition they have, and the community is able to develop unity based on Bhinneka Tunggal Ika through the clean tradition of the village (Punden). Constraints faced when prioritizing unity in the clean tradition of the village (Punden) is that the villagers of Tambakboyo village object to accepting responsibility as an environmental hygiene committee, self awareness regarding the importance of prioritizing the interests of the nation above personal interests is still low. In addition, residents have not been able to maintain security when the village tradition is clean (Punden), and there are differences in community perspectives regarding the village's clean tradition (Punden). Efforts to overcome these obstacles are carried out by approaching or approaching meetings and dissemination to the community so that they can accept responsibility properly, participate in mutual cooperation activities. Subsequent efforts provide an understanding to the community of the importance of unity and unity in order to maintain harmony between citizens and mutual respect, acknowledge, respect the differences that exist in the Tambakboyo village environment through the clean tradition of the village (Punden).} }