@thesis{thesis, author={ Dr. Ahmad Muhibbin and Rahmat Kurniawan Tatok}, title ={Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Nasionalisme Dan Religius Di Kalangan Pemuda Anggota Karang Taruna Desa Singosari Kecamatan Mojosongo Kabupaten Boyolali}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/66622/}, abstract={This study aims to describe the implementation of nationalism and religious values ​​among youth members of Karang Taruna Singosari Village Mojosongo Sub-District Boyolali District, obstacles implementation of nationalism and Religious values ​​and solutions to overcome obstacles in the implementation of nationalism and religious values ​​among youth members of Taruna Village Singosari District Mojosongo Boyolali District. The type of this research is qualitative descriptive research. Sources of data in this study include the village head, the head of the RT, and members of the youth group Singosari Village District Mojosongo Boyolali District. Technique of collecting data of this research is observation, interview, and documentation. The technique of data validity in this research is tiangulasi data source and data collection technique. Data analysis techniques in this study using interactive techniques. The results showed that: 1) Implementation of nationalism among youth members of Karang Taruna Singosari Village, Mojosongo Sub-District, Boyolali District, including maintaining harmony activities in society, maintaining public order by complying with prevailing rules, avoiding irresponsible actions , and actively provide suggestions, suggestions and criticisms of the administration of the village government. 2) Implementation of religious values ​​include: good deeds, sincerity to help others, obedient in implementing the teachings of religion that dianutnya, 3) Obstacles found in the implementation of the value of nationalism is the nature of selfishness, lack of attention of parents, and passive. 4) Obstacles found in the implementation of religious values ​​include family factors, education level, and association. 5) Solutions to overcome obstacles in the implementation of the value of nationalism is to provide guidance, parental guidance, and give responsibility to passive members. 6) Solutions to overcome obstacles in the implementation of religious values ​​that improve existing facilities and infrastructure, providing guidance from parents and community, creating a family atmosphere.} }