@thesis{thesis, author={ Mauly Halwat Hikmat and Arumawati Rina}, title ={The Classroom Interaction in Writing Class At Seventh Grade of SMP N 2 Colomadu on 2017/2018 Academic Year}, year={2018}, url={http://eprints.ums.ac.id/66688/}, abstract={The objectives of this research are to identify the types of classroom interaction in writing class at seventh grade of SMP N 2 Colomadu and the role of the teacher on classroom interaction in writing class. This study was qualitative research whose data were obtained from field note and interview transcripts of the teacher and the students. The method of collecting data was observation and interview. The result of this study showed that there are three types of classroom interaction in writing class at seventh grade of SMP N 2 Colomadu. Those are the learner-content interaction, the learner-instructor interaction, and the learner-learner interaction. The teacher plays a role as controller, prompter, and resource in the learner-content interaction. In the learner-instructor interaction, the teacher acts as controller, prompter, resource, and tutor. Meanwhile in the learner-learner interaction, the teacher plays a role as controller and tutor.} }